Virgin Media HQ
Having won this through a tender package, Artworks produced a full set of site-specific design visuals relating to the concepts provided by the client. A bright, bold colour scheme represented the well-known Virgin Media brand and gave us plenty of unique challenges. Covering meeting rooms and kitchen right through to reception and lounge areas, the scope was all-encompassing. We were careful to provide consistent visual support throughout the project by producing samples along the way. Lead designers representing the client then felt confident signing off on our choice of materials. For this reason, there were a lot of preliminary works for Artworks to complete. We worked with numerous materials from cork walls and faux neon to foam text and gradient manifest.
Functional installations
Digital wallpaper with perspective gave a clever illusion of creating space whilst projecting signage added extra interest. Drywipe and pinnable boards were added as features in working spaces to encourage idea generation. ‘Keyboard’ feature walls added a unique touch that tied in with the company brand. In the atrium, solar film shielded glare and heat, and graphics made it eye-catching even from outside the building. Using specialist film on the glazing and projecting external banners allowed us to use some more specialist skills within our extensive capabilities
Multi-disciplined install teams
We worked with contractor Overbury Bracknell on this project with fantastic results. At any given time, we had 2 to 3 multi-disciplined teams on site over the course of a 6-week installation. A huge array of experience was used to get this to completion and we couldn’t be more pleased with the work.
There was so much variety in this project, we were proud to able to manage most of the process in-house. This made the manufacture and installation a lot smoother and ultimately easier for the contractors to manage on-site. Given the varied scope of all the different areas, there was a constant flow of samples but this added so much clarity for the client. A highlight for me was the reception ‘dashboard’ that greets you on entry – it’s over 2 floors high, integrating a lot of the feature signage. We even produced a temperature dial!
Dave Nowell, Director